planetary systems

Occurrence Rates of Planets Orbiting FGK Stars: Combining Kepler DR25, Gaia DR2, and Bayesian Inference

Press Coverage Extrasolar Earths May Circle 1 In 6 Sunlike Stars, Says New NASA Kepler Study: Forbes, Aug 15, 2019. Wow! What if 1 in 4 sunlike stars has an Earth?: EarthSky, Aug 23, 2019. Analysis shows 1-in-6 stars may host Earth-size planets: Astronomy Now, Aug 16, 2019. How many Earth-size planets are around sun-like stars?: Penn State, Aug 14, 2019.

Dynamical Constraints on Nontransiting Planets Orbiting TRAPPIST-1

Improving the Accuracy of Planet Occurrence Rates from Kepler Using Approximate Bayesian Computation

Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. VIII. A Fully Automated Catalog with Measured Completeness and Reliability Based on Data Release 25

Evidence for Two Hot-Jupiter Formation Paths

Outer Architecture of Kepler-11: Constraints from Coplanarity

A Dynamical Analysis of the Kepler-80 System of Five Transiting Planets

Press Coverage Astronomy magazine Centauri Dreams

Three Temperate Neptunes Orbiting Nearby Stars

Kepler-1647b: The Largest and Longest-period Kepler Transiting Circumbinary Planet

Time Variation of Kepler Transits Induced by Stellar Spots - A Way to Distinguish between Prograde and Retrograde Motion. II. Application to KOIs

Low False Positive Rate of Kepler Candidates Estimated From A Combination Of Spitzer And Follow-Up Observations

The California Planet Survey IV: A Planet Orbiting the Giant Star HD 145934 and Updates to Seven Systems with Long-period Planets

Architecture of Kepler's Multi-transiting Systems. II. New Investigations with Twice as Many Candidates

A search for methane in the atmosphere of GJ 1214b via GTC narrow-band transmission spectrophotometry

Validation of Kepler's Multiple Planet Candidates. II. Refined Statistical Framework and Descriptions of Systems of Special Interest

Validation of Kepler's Multiple Planet Candidates. III. Light Curve Analysis and Announcement of Hundreds of New Multi-planet Systems

Masses, Radii, and Orbits of Small Kepler Planets: The Transition from Gaseous to Rocky Planets

RUN DMC: An Efficient, Parallel Code for Analyzing Radial Velocity Observations Using N-body Integrations and Differential Evolution Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Characterizing the Orbital and Dynamical State of the HD 82943 Planetary System with Keck Radial Velocity Data

Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. VIII. Catalog of Transit Timing Measurements of the First Twelve Quarters