planets and satellites: detection

Discovery of a Third Transiting Planet in the Kepler-47 Circumbinary System

Insights on the Spectral Signatures of Stellar Activity and Planets from PCA

Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. IX. Catalog of the Full Long-cadence Data Set

Low False Positive Rate of Kepler Candidates Estimated From A Combination Of Spitzer And Follow-Up Observations

The APOGEE Spectroscopic Survey of Kepler Planet Hosts: Feasibility, Efficiency, and First Results

Architecture of Kepler's Multi-transiting Systems. II. New Investigations with Twice as Many Candidates

Masses, Radii, and Orbits of Small Kepler Planets: The Transition from Gaseous to Rocky Planets

Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. VIII. Catalog of Transit Timing Measurements of the First Twelve Quarters

Measuring Transit Signal Recovery in the Kepler Pipeline. I. Individual Events

Planets in open clusters detectable by Kepler

The Neptune-sized Circumbinary Planet Kepler-38b

Press Coverage Kepler-38: the Galaxy’s Count of Binary Stars with Planets is Increasing: NASA Press Release, August 20, 2012

Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. V. Transit Timing Variation Candidates in the First Sixteen Months from Polynomial Models

Out of hundreds of candidate planetary systems, scientists had previously verified six systems with multiple transiting planets. Now, Kepler observations have verified planets in 11 new planetary systems. Many of these systems contain additional planet candidates that are yet to be verified.

Almost All of Kepler's Multiple-planet Candidates Are Planets

See also papers II , III & IV that led up to this paper. Press Coverage NASA mission piles on the planets: MSNBC, January 26, 2012 [w/ video] NASA's Keplar Spacecraft Finds 11 New Solar Systems, 26 Planets: Mashable, January 27, 2012 [video] Planet-hunting space telescope nets jackpot: January 27, 2012 Kepler uncovers planetary menagerie: Nature News Blog, Janary 27, 2012 La nave Kepler descubre 26 nuevos planetas orbitando en torno a 11 estrellas: El Munod, January 27, 2012 (spanish) NASA Telescope Discovers 26 Alien Planets Around 11 Different Stars: Space.

Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. II. Confirmation of Two Multiplanet Systems via a Non-parametric Correlation Analysis

Planets in Systems from NASA’s Kepler Mission The image above depicts multiple planet systems discovered by NASA’s Kepler mission and confirmed by transit timing variations (as of January 2012). Out of hundreds of candidate planetary systems, scientists had previously verified six systems with multiple transiting planets (denoted here in red). Now, Kepler observations have verified planets (shown here in green) in 11 new planetary systems. Many of these systems contain additional planet candidates that are yet to be verified (shown here in dark purple).

Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. IV. Confirmation of Four Multiple-planet Systems by Simple Physical Models

Planets in Systems from NASA’s Kepler Mission The image above depicts multiple planet systems discovered by NASA’s Kepler mission and confirmed by transit timing variations (as of January 2012). Out of hundreds of candidate planetary systems, scientists had previously verified six systems with multiple transiting planets (denoted here in red). Now, Kepler observations have verified planets (shown here in green) in 11 new planetary systems. Many of these systems contain additional planet candidates that are yet to be verified (shown here in dark purple).

Transit Timing Observations from Kepler. I. Statistical Analysis of the First Four Months

SDSS-III: Massive Spectroscopic Surveys of the Distant Universe, the Milky Way, and Extra-Solar Planetary Systems

Characteristics of Planetary Candidates Observed by Kepler. II. Analysis of the First Four Months of Data

Characteristics of Kepler Planetary Candidates Based on the First Data Set

Quantifying the Challenges of Detecting Unseen Planetary Companions with Transit Timing Variations